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Awards & Fellowships

Awards & Fellowships

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• Best Student Paper Award at IEEE ICORR 2023.

Zhang X, Tricomi E, Missiroli F, Lotti N, Ma X, Masia L.

"Improving Walking Assistance Efficiency in Real-World Scenarios with Soft Exosuits Using Locomotion Mode Detection"

IEEE International Conference on Rehabilitation Robotics (ICORR), 24-28 September 2023, Singapore.  

Best Paper award at IEEE BIOROB 2022

Galofaro E, D’Antonio E, Lotti N, and Masia L.

"A Hybrid Assistive Paradigm based on Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation and Force Control for Upper
Limb Exosuits"

IEEE International Conference on Biomedical Robotics and Biomechatronics 2020, Seoul, August 21-24 2022.

Best presentation award  at IEEE BIOROB 2020

Lotti N, Xiloyannis M, Missiroli F, Chiaradia D, Frisoli A, Sanguineti V and Masia L. "Intention-Detection Strategies for Upper Limb Exosuits: Model-Based Myoelectric vs Dynamic-Based Control"

IEEE International Conference on Biomedical Robotics and Biomechatronics 2020, New York, 29th Nov - 1st Dec 2020.

• Best Student Paper Award at IEEE BIOROB 2016.

Xiloyannis M, Cappello L, Dinh BK and Masia L. 'Towards the Design of an Underactuated Soft Exoskeleton for Grasp Assistance'. at the IEEE International Conference on Biorobotics and Biomechatronics 2016, Singapore 26th-29th June 2016.

Best Student Paper Award  at IEEE ICORR 2015

Leonardo Cappello, Alberto Pirrera, Paul Weaver, Lorenzo Masia 'A Series Elastic Composite Actuator for Soft Arm Exosuits Design and Preliminary Test'

at the IEEE International Conference on Robotic Rehabilitation 2015, Singapore 11th-14th August 2015.

Best Paper Award  at IEEE ICORR 2011

Masia L., Sandini G. and Morasso P. ‘A novel mechatronic system for measuring end-point stiffness: Mechanical design and preliminary tests’.at the IEEE International Conference on Robotic Rehabilitation 2011, Zurich, Switzerland, 28th June -1st July 2011.

Runner up Finalist of the IEEE Robotics and Automation Letter (RAL) award at IEEE BIOROB2022

Zhang X*,  Tricomi E*, Missiroli F, Lotti L, Bokranz B, Nicklas D, and Masia L.

"Enhancing Gait Assistance Control Robustness of a Hip Exosuit by Means of Machine Learning"

IEEE International Conference on Biomedical Robotics and Biomechatronics 2020, Seoul, August 21-24 2022.

Runner up Finalists of the "Best Human-Robot Interaction (HRI) Paper Award" at ICRA 2017.

IEEE International Conference of Robotics and Automation (ICRA 2017), Singapore, May 29 to June 3, 2017.

Binh Khanh Dinh, Michele Xiloyannis, Chris Wilson Antuvan, Leonardo Cappello, and Lorenzo Masia "Hierarchical Cascade Controller for Assistance Modulation in a Soft Wearable Arm Exoskeleton

Highly Commended paper in 2015

Dalia De Santis , Jacopo Zenzeri , Maura Casadio , Lorenzo Masia , Valentina Squeri , Pietro Morasso.

'Characterizing the human-robot haptic dyad in robot therapy of stroke survivors'

International Journal of Intelligent Computing and Cybernetics 2014 7:3 , 267-288





(all titles are linked to the publishers´ websites: CLICK ON)

75. E. Tricomi, F. Missiroli, M. Xiloyannis, N. Lotti, X. Zhang, M. Stefanakis, M. Theisen, J. Bauer, C. Becker and L. Masia.
"Soft robotic shorts improve outdoor walking efficiency in older adults"
Accepted for publication on Nature Machine Intelligence.

74. L. Miskovic, E. Tricomi, X. Zhang, F. Missiroli, K. Krstanovic, T. Petric and L. Masia.
"Hybrid Rigid-Soft and Pneumatic-Electromechanical Exoskeleton for Multi-joint Lower Limb Assistance" 
in IEEE Transactions on Medical Robotics and Bionics, doi: 10.1109/TMRB.2024.3421547. PDF

73. Missiroli F, Mazzoni P,  Lotti N, Tricomi E, Braghin F, Roveda L and Masia L. 

"Integrating Computer Vision in Exosuits for Adaptive Support and Reduced Muscle Strain in Industrial Environments".

in IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, doi: 10.1109/LRA.2023.3337693. PDF

72. L. Buatier de Mongeot, E. Galofaro, F. Ramadan, E. D’Antonio, F. Missiroli, N. Lotti, M. Casadio, and L. Masia.
"Combining FES and Exoskeletons in a Hybrid Haptic System for enhancing VR Experience"
IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, doi: 10.1109/TNSRE.2023.3334190. PDF

71. Lotti N†, Missiroli F†, Galofaro E , TricomimE, Di Domenico D, Semprini M, Casadio M, Brichetto G, De Michieli L, Tacchino A‡, and Masia L ‡   (†, ‡ equal contribution)
"Soft Robotics to enhance upper limb endurance in individuals with Multiple Sclerosis"

Soft Robot. 2023 Oct 23. doi: 10.1089/soro.2023.0024. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 37870773. PDF 

70.  Zhang X, Tricomi E, Missiroli F, Lotti N, Masia L.

"Real-Time Assistive Control via IMU Locomotion Mode Detection in a Soft Exosuit: An Effective Approach to Enhance Walking Metabolic Efficiency"

 in IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, doi: 10.1109/TMECH.2023.3322269. PDF

69.  H Zhu, Y Wang, N Elangovan, L Cappello, G Sandini, L Masia and J Konczak
"A robot-aided visuomotor wrist training induces motor and proprioceptive learning that transfers to the untrained ipsilateral elbow".

J NeuroEngineering Rehabil 20, 143 (2023). PDF

68. E Tricomi, M Mossini, F Missiroli, N Lotti, M Xiloyannis, L Roveda, L Masia.

Environment-based Assistance Modulation for a Hip Exosuit via Computer Vision“.

IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, doi: 10.1109/LRA.2023.3256135.  PDF

67. Galofaro E, D’Antonio E, Lotti N, Patane´ F, Casadio M and Masia L.

"Bimanual Motor Strategies and Handedness Role During Human-Exoskeleton Haptic Interaction",  

IEEE Transactions on Haptics, vol. 16, no. 2, pp. 296-310, April-June 2023, doi: 10.1109/TOH.2023.3272698.  PDF

66. Galofaro E, D’Antonio E, Lotti N, Masia L.

"Rendering Immersive Haptic Force Feedback via Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation".

Sensors. 2022; 22(14):5069. PDF

65. X Zhang*, E Tricomi*, F Missiroli, N Lotti, C Bokranz, D Nicklas and L Masia

"Enhancing Gait Assistance Control Robustness of a Hip Exosuit by means of Machine Learning"

IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, vol. 7, no. 3, pp. 7566-7573, July 2022, doi: 10.1109/LRA.2022.3183791. (* equal contribution). PDF

64. B Noronha, C YinK LittleM Xiloyannis, C Kuah, S K Wee, S R KulkarniL Masia, K Chua, and D Accoto
"Soft, lightweight wearable robots to support the upper limb in activities of daily living: a feasibility study on chronic stroke patients." IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering vol. 30, pp. 1401-1411, 2022, doi: 10.1109/TNSRE.2022.3175224. PDF

63. F. Missiroli, N. Lotti, E. Tricomi, C. Bokranz, R. Alicea, M. Xiloyannis, J. Krzywinski, S. Crea, N. Vitiello, and L. Masia,

"Rigid, Soft, Passive, and Active: a Hybrid Occupational Exoskeleton for bimanual multijoint assistance.

IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, vol. 7, no. 2, pp. 2557-2564, April 2022, doi: 10.1109/LRA.2022.3142447.7. PDF

62. M. Sierotowicz, N. Lotti, L. Nell, F. Missiroli, R. Alicea, M. Xiloyannis, R. Rupp, E. Papp, J. Krzywinski, C. Castellini and L. Masia,

EMG-driven Machine Learning Control of a Soft Glove for Grasping Assistance and Rehabilitation”.

IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L) , vol. 7, no. 2, pp. 1566-1573, April 2022, doi: 10.1109/LRA.2021.3140055. PDF

61. Lotti N, Xiloyannis M, Missiroli F, Bokranz C, Chiaradia D, Frisoli A, Riener R and Masia L.

"Myoelectric or Force control? A comparative study on a soft arm exosuit"

IEEE Transactions on Robotics, doi: 10.1109/TRO.2021.3137748. PDF

60. Tricomi E, Lotti N, Missiroli F, Zhang X, Xiloyannis M, Müller T, Crea S, Papp E, Krzywinski J, Vitiello N, Masia L.

"Underactuated Soft Hip Exosuit Based on Adaptive Oscillators to Assist Human Locomotion"

IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, vol. 7, no. 2, pp. 936-943, April 2022. PDF

59. Dragone D, Randazzini L, Capace A, Nesci F, Cosentino C, Amato F, Momi ED, Colao R, Masia L, Merola A.

"Design, Computational Modelling and Experimental Characterization of Bistable Hybrid Soft Actuators for a Controllable-Compliance Joint of an Exoskeleton Rehabilitation Robot".

Actuators. 2022; 11(2):32. PDF

58. Falzarano V, Holmes M. W.R., Masia L, Morasso P and Zenzeri J.
"Evaluating viscoelastic properties of the wrist joint during external perturbations: influence of velocity, grip and handedness". Front. Hum. Neurosci., 04 October 2021. PDF

57. Albanese GA, Taglione E, Gasparini C, Grandi S, Pettinelli F, Sardelli C, Catitti P, Sandini G, Masia L and Zenzeri J.

"Efficacy of wrist robot-aided orthopedic rehabilitation: a randomized controlled trial"
Journal of Neuroengineering and Rehabilitation , 18, Article number: 130 (2021). PDF

56.  Xiloyannis M, Alicea R, Georgarakis AM, Haufe FL, Wolf P,  Riener R* and Masia L*.

"Soft robotic suits: State of the art, core technologies and open challenges " PDF

(* equal contribution) IEEE Transactions on Robotics, doi: 10.1109/TRO.2021.3084466.

55. Yeh I-L, Holst-Wolf J, Elangovan N, Cuppone AV, Lakshminarayan K, Capello L, Masia L* and  Konczak J.

"Effects of robot-aided somatosensory training on proprioception and motor function in stroke survivors"

Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation, 18, Article number: 77 (2021) (* corresponding author) PDF

54. Alicea R, Xiloyannis M, Chirardia D, Barsotti M, Frisoli A and Masia L.

"A Soft, Synergy-Based Robotic Glove for Grasping Assistance". 

Wearable Technologies, 2, E4. doi:10.1017/wtc.2021.3. PDF

53. Galofaro E, D'Antonio E, Patanè F, Casadio M, Masia L.

"Three-dimensional Assessment of Upper Limb Proprioception via a Wearable Exoskeleton"

Applied Sciences Appl. Sci. 2021, 11(6), 2615. PDF

52. Wang Y, Huiying Zhu H, Elangovan N, Capello L, Sandini G, Masia L & Konczak J.

"A robot-aided visuomotor wrist training induces gains in proprioceptive and movement accuracy in the contralateral wrist". Scientific Reports 11, Article number: 5281 (2021). PDF

51. D'Antonio E,  Galofaro E,  Zenzeri J, Patane F, Konczak J, Casadio M and  Masia L.

"Robotic Assessment of Wrist Proprioception during Kinaesthetic Perturbations: a Neuroergonomic Approach".

Front. Neurorobot., 01 March 2021. PDF

50. Missiroli F, Lotti N,  Xiloyannis M,  Sloot L H,  Riener R and Masia L.

"Relationship between Muscular Activity and Assistance Magnitude for a Myoelectric Model Based controlled Exosuit". Front. Robot. AI, 17 December 2020. PDF

49. Chiaradia D, Tiseni L, Xiloyannis M, Solazzi M, Masia L, Frisoli A.

"An Assistive Soft Wrist Exosuit for Flexion Movements with an Ergonomic Reinforced Glove".

Front. Robot. AI, 18 January 2021. PDF


48. Y. Kim, K. Little, B. Noronha, M. Xiloyannis, D. Accoto*, L. Masia*.

"A voice activated bi-articular exosuit for upper limb assistance during lifting tasks"

Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, Volume 66, 2020. PDF

(* equally contributed )

47. L. Masia and N. Vitiello, "The Long and Winding Road to Symbiotic Wearable Robotics

IEEE Robotics & Automation Magazine, vol. 27, no. 1, pp. 9-9, March 2020. PDF

46. Lotti N, Xiloyannis M, Durandauy G, Galofaro E, Sanguineti V, Sartori M* and Masia L*.

"Adaptive Model-based Myoelectric control for a soft wearable arm exosuit". 

IEEE Robotics & Automation Magazine, vol. 27, no. 1, pp. 43-53, March 2020. (* equally contributed ). PDF

45. Xiloyannis L, Annese E, Canesi M, Kodian A, Bicchi A, Micera S, Ajoudani A, Masia L.

"Design and Validation of a Modular One-To-Many Actuator for a Soft Wearable Exosuit".

Frontiers on Neurobotics, May 2019, 13. PDF

44. Cappello L, Xiloyannis M, Dinh BK,  Pirrera A, Mattioni F and Masia L.

"Multistable Series Elastic Actuators: Design and Control". 

Robotics and Autonomous Systems (RAS), Volume 118, August 2019, Pages 167-178. PDF

43. Xiloyannis M, Chiaradia D, Frisoli A and Masia L.

"Physiological and kinematic effects of a soft exosuit on arm movements".

Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation 2019, 16:29. PDF   +  Additional materials

42.  Antuvan CW and Masia L.

"An LDA-based Approach for Real-Time Simultaneous Classification of Movements using Surface Electromyography". 

IEEE Transaction on Neural System and Rehabilitation Engineering, 2019 Mar; 27(3):552-561. PDF

41.  Liu, Z.; Qi, D.; Leow, W. R.; Yu, J.; Xiloyannnis, M.; Cappello, L.; Liu, Y.; Zhu, B.; Jiang, Y.; Chen, G.; Masia, L.; Liedberg, B.; Chen, X. “3D-structured Stretchable Strain Sensors for Out-of-plane Force Detection

Adv. Mater. 2018, 30, 1707285. PDF

40.  Elangovan N, Cappello L,  Masia L,Joshua Aman J, Jürgen Konczak J .

"A robot-aided visuo-motor training that improves proprioception and spatial accuracy of untrained movement".

Nature Scientific Report, volume 7, Article number: 17054 (2017). PDF

39.  Marini F, Contu S, Antuvan CW, Morasso P and Masia L.

"The influence of external forces on wrist proprioception".

Front. Hum. Neurosci., 31 August 2017. PDF

38.  Contu S, Hussain A, Kager S, Budhota A, Deshmukh VA, Kuah CWK, Yam LHL, Xiang L, Chua KSG, Masia L, Campolo D. "Proprioceptive assessment in clinical settings: evaluation of joint position sense in upper limb post-stroke using a robotic manipulator". PLoSONE November 21, 2017. PDF

37. Viaro R, Tia B, Coudé G, Canto R, Oliynyk A, Salmas P, Masia L, Sandini G, Fadiga L.

"Finger pressure adjustments to various object configurations during precision grip in humans and monkeys". Eur J Neurosci. 2017 Apr 26. PDF

36.   Dinh BK,  Xiloyannis M, Cappello C, Antuvan CW, Yen SC, Masia L.

"Adaptive Backlash Compensation in Upper Limb Soft Wearable Exoskeletons "

Robotics and Autonomous Systems (Volume 92, June 2017, Pages 173–186). PDF

35. Dinh BK, Xiloyannis M, Antuvan CW, Cappello L, Masia L. 

"Hierarchical Cascade Controller for Assistance Modulation in a Soft Wearable Arm Exoskeleton ".

IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters ( Volume: PP, Issue: 99 ) ( finalist for best paper award at IEEE ICRA2017). PDF

34.  Marini F, Hughes C, Squeri V, Doglio L, Moretti P, Morasso P, Masia L.

"Robotic Wrist Training after Stroke: Adaptive Modulation of Assistance in Pediatric Rehabilitation"

Robotics and Autonomous Systems, Volume 91, May 2017, Pages 169–178 . PDF

33.   Marini F, Squeri V, Morasso P, Campus C, Konczak J, Masia L.

"Robot-aided developmental assessment of wrist proprioception in children".

Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation 201714:3. PDF

32.   Xiloyannis M., Cappello L., Khanh D. B., Antuvan C. W., Masia L.

"Preliminary design and control of a soft exosuit for assisting elbow movements and hand grasping in activities of daily living" Journal of Rehabilitation and Assistive Technologies Engineering (RATE), October 2016. PDF

31.  Cuppone A, Squeri M, Semprini M, Masia L and Konczak J.

"Robot-assisted proprioceptive training with added vibro-tactile feedback enhances somatosensory and motor performance" PLoS ONE October 11, 2016. PDF

30.  Marini F, Squeri V, Morasso P and Masia L.

" Wrist Proprioception: amplitude or position coding?" Front. Neurobotics, 19 October 2016. PDF

29.  Contu S, Hughes C and Masia L.

"The role of visual and haptic feedback during dynamically coupled bimanual manipulation"

IEEE Transactions on Haptics , vol.PP, no.99, pp.1-1. PDF

28.    Marini F, Squeri V, Morasso PG, Konczak J and Masia L. (2016).

"Robot-Aided Mapping of Wrist proprioceptive acuity across a 3D workspace". PLoSONE 11(8): e0161155. PDF

27.    Antuvan CW, Bisio F, Marini F, Yen SC, Cambria E, Masia L. (2016)

"Role of Muscle Synergies in Real-Time Classication of Upper Limb Motions using Extreme Learning Machine".

Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation 13(1) • December 2016. PDF

26.    Cappello L, Elangovan N, Contu S, Khosravani S, Konczak J and Masia L (2015)

"Robot-aided assessment of wrist proprioception". Front. Hum. Neurosci. 9:198. PDF

25.    Krewer, C., Elangovan, N., Aman, J., Cappello, L. Contu, S., Khosravani, S., Masia, L. & J. Konczak. (2015).

"Does age change proprioceptive acuity of the wrist joint?".  Neurologie & Rehabilitation, Supplement 1, S37 (P-023).

24.    De Santis D, Zenzeri J, Casadio M, Masia L, Riva A, Morasso P, Squeri V.

"Robot-assisted training of the kinesthetic sense: enhancing proprioception after stroke".

Front. Hum. Neurosci 8:1037 • January 2014. PDF

23.    Masia, L.; Squeri, V.

"A Modular Mechatronic Device for Arm Stiffness Estimation in Human–Robot Interaction"

IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, vol.20, no.5, pp.2053-2066, Oct. 2014. PDF

22.    Campolo D, Tommasino P, Gamagea K, Klein J,Hughes CML, Masia L.

"H-Man: A Planar, H-shape Cabled Differential Robotic Manipulandum". Journal of Neuroscience Methods 235, 285-297. PDF

21.    De Santis D, Zenzeri J, Casadio M, Masia L, Squeri V, Morasso P.

"Characterizing the human-robot haptic dyad in robot therapy of stroke survivors".

International Journal of Intelligent Computing and Cybernetics 2014 7:3 , 267-288. PDF

20.    De Santis D, Zenzeri J, Casadio M, Masia L, Morasso P, Squeri V.

A New Method For Evaluating Kinesthetic Acuity During Haptic Interaction”.

Robotica 32(08):1399-1414 • September 2014. PDF

19.    Squeri V, Masia L, Giannoni P, Sandini G and Morasso P.

"Wrist rehabilitation in chronic stroke patients by means of adaptive, progressive robot-aided therapy".

IEEE Transaction on Neural System and Rehabilitation, 2014, 22 (2): 1-14. PDF

18.    Konczak J, Sciutti A, Avanzino L, Squeri V, Gori M, Masia L, Abbruzzese G, Sandini G.

"Parkinson’s disease accelerates age-related decline in haptic perception by altering somatosensory integration".

Brain (2012) 135 (11): 3371-3379. PDF

17.    Gori M, Squeri V, Sciutti A, Masia L, Sandini G and Konczac J.

"Motor commands in children interfere with their haptic perception of objects". Exp Brain Res. 2012 Nov;223(1):149-57. PDF

16.    Squeri V., Sciutti A., Gori M., Masia L., Sandini G., and Konczak J.

"Two Hands, One Perception: How Bimanual Haptic Information Is Combined by the Brain". 

Journal of Neurophysiology 2012 Jan;107(2):544-50. PDF

15.    Masia L., Squeri V., Burdet E., Sandini G. & Morasso P. 2012,

"Wrist Coordination in a Kinematically Redundant Stabilization Task".

IEEE Transaction on Haptics, vol. 5,no. 3, pp. 231–239. PDF

14.    Fiorilla A.E., Nori F., Masia L. and Sandini G.

"Finger Stiffness Evaluation by means of Hand Exoskeleton". ABME Annals of Biomedical Engineering. 2011 Aug 24. PDF

13.    Masia L., Frascarelli F., Morasso P., Di Rosa G., Petrarca M., Castelli E. and Cappa P.

"Reduced short term adaptation to robot generated dynamic environment in children affected by congenital hemiparesis", Journal of Neuroengineering and Rehabilitation (JNER) 2011, 8:28. PDF

12.    Melendez-Calderon A., Masia L., Gassert R., Sandini G. and Burdet E.

"Force field adaptation can be learned using vision in the absence of proprioceptive error".

IEEE Transaction on Neural System and Rehabilitation Engineering, Vol. 19(3), June 2011: 298-306. PDF

11.    Casadio M., Giannoni P., Masia L., Morasso P., Sanguineti V., Squeri V., Vergaro E. 

"Consciousness as the emergent property of the interaction between brain, body, and environment: implications for robot-enhanced neuromotor rehabilitation". Journal of Psychophysiology, 2010; 24(2):125-130. PDF

10.    Squeri V., Masia L., Casadio M., Vergaro E. and Morasso P.

"Force/Movement Control in a hybrid task: pushing & visuo-manual tracking". PLoS ONE. 2010; 5(6): e11189. PDF

9.    Sciutti A., Squeri V., Gori M., Masia L., Sandini G. and Konczak J. 2009,

"Predicted sensory feedback derived from motor commands does not improve haptic sensitivity".

Experimental Brain Research, 2010 Jan; 200(3-4):259-67. PDF

8.    Casadio M., Sanguineti V., Squeri V., Masia L. and Morasso P.

"Inter-limb interference during bimanual adaptation to dynamic environments".

Experimental Brain Research, 2010 May;202(3):693-707. PDF

7.    Casadio M.,  Giannoni P.,  Masia L.,  Morasso P., Sandini G., Sanguineti V.,  Squeri V.,  Vergaro E.

"Robot-therapy of the upper-limb in stroke patients: rational guidelines for the principled use of this technology".

Functional Neurology. 2009; 24(4):195-202. 

6.    Frascarelli F., Masia L., Di Rosa G., Petrarca M., Cappa P., Castelli E. and Krebs H.I. 2009.

"The impact of robotic rehabilitation in children with acquired or congenital movement disorders"

European Journal Of Physical Medicine And Rehabilitation, vol. 45,no. 45, pp. 135–41. PDF

5.    Frascarelli F., Masia L., Di Rosa G., Petrarca M., Cappa P. and Castelli E.

"Robot -mediated and clinical scales evaluation after upper limb botulinum toxin type a injection in hemiparetic children".

J Rehabil Med 2009; 41: 988–994.

4.    Masia L., Casadio M., Giannoni P., Sandini G. and Morasso P.

"Performance adaptive training control strategy for recovering wrist movements in stroke patients: a preliminary, feasibility study" Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation 2009, 6:44 (7 December 2009). PDF

3.    Masia L., Casadio M., Sandini G. and Morasso P.

"Eye-hand coordination during dynamic visuomotor rotations". PLoS ONE, vol. 4,no. 9, E7004. PDF

2.    Masia L., Krebs HI., Cappa P. and Hogan N.

"Design and characterization of a hand-module for whole arm rehabilitation following stroke".

IEEE Transaction on Mechatronics, vol.12, N°4, August 2007. PDF

1.    Cappa P., Masia L., Patane F.

"Numerical validation of linear accelerometer systems for the measurement of head kinematics".

ASME Journal of Biomechanical Engineering. vol. 127, 2005, pp. 919-928.




1.    Sanguineti V., Casadio M., Masia L., Squeri V. and Morasso P. ‘Robot-assisted neuro-rehabilitation’, Chapter 27 in Dario Farina, Winnie Jensen, Metin Akay (eds), Introduction To Neural Engineering For Motor Rehabilitation, ISBN 978-0-470-91673-5 - John Wiley & Sons, IEEE Press Series on Biomedical Engineering.

2.    Masia L., Casadio M., Squeri V. , De Santis D. and Morasso P. “Enhancing recovery of sensorimotor functions: the role of haptic feedback in the re-learning process”. Submitted for “Neuro-robotics: From brain machine interfaces to rehabilitation robotics“ published by  Springer ` Springer-Verlag London 2014. ISBN 978-94-017-8932-5


3.    Domenico Chiaradia, Michele Xiloyannis, Massimiliano Solazzi, Lorenzo Masia and Antonio Frisoli, "Rigid Vs Soft Exoskeletons: interaction strategies for upper limb assistive technology", in Wearable RoboticsSystems and Applications 2020, Pages 67-90.

4.    Michele Xiloyannis, Khanh D. Binh, Leonardo Cappello, Chris W. Antuvan and Lorenzo Masia, "​Chapter 10. A Soft Wearable Elbow Exosuit: Design Considerations", in Wearable Technology for Medicine and Healthcare, 1st edition, Elsevier, 2018.

5.    Lorenzo Masia, Michele Xiloyannis, Khanh D. Binh, Chris W. Antuvan, Sara Contu and Yongtae Kim,"Actuation for Robot-Aided-Rehabilitation: Design and Control Strategies", in Rehabilitation Robotics, 1st edition (pp. 47-61), Elsevier, 2018.

6.    Lorenzo Masia, Irfan Hussain, Michele Xiloyannis, Claudio, Pacchierotti, Leonardo Cappello, Monica Malvezzi, Giovanni Spagnoletti, Chris Wilson Antuvan, Dinh Binh Khanh, Maria Pozzi and Domenico Prattichizzo, "Soft Wearable Assistive Robotics: Exosuits and Supernumerary Limbs", in Wearable Exoskeleton Systems: Design, control and applications, 1st edition (pp. 219-254), IET, 2018.




83. Zhang X, Tricomi E, Missiroli F, Lotti N, Ma X, Masia L.

"Improving Walking Assistance Efficiency in Real-World Scenarios with Soft Exosuits Using Locomotion Mode Detection"

2023 International Conference on Rehabilitation Robotics (ICORR), Singapore, Singapore, 2023, pp. 1-6.  (BEST STUDENT PAPER AWARD)

82. Rinaldi G,  Tiseni L,  Xiloyannis M,  Masia L,  Frisoli A, and Chiaradia D.

"Flexos: A Portable, SEA-Based Shoulder Exoskeleton with Hyper-redundant Kinematics for Weight Lifting Assistance"

IEEE World Haptics 2023 conference. Delft, the Netherlands 10th to 13th July 2023.

81. Zhang X, Tricomi E, Missiroli F, Lotti N, Bokranz C, Nicklas D, Masia L.

"Enhancing Gait Assistance Control Robustness of a Hip Exosuit by Means of Machine Learning "

IEEE RAL Submission and 9th IEEE RAS/EMBS International Conference on Biomedical Robotics and Biomechatronics August 21-24, 2022 Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea.


80.  Galofaro E, D'Antonio E, Lotti N, Masia L. "A Hybrid Assistive Paradigm Based on Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation and Force Control for Upper Limb Exosuits".  9th IEEE RAS/EMBS International Conference on Biomedical Robotics and Biomechatronics August 21-24, 2022 Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea.


79. M Sierotowicz, N Lotti, R Rupp, L Masia, C Castellini. "A Comprehensive Framework for the Modelling of Cartesian Force Output in Human Limbs". IEEE International Conference on Robotic Rehabilitation 2022 (ICORR), 25-29 July 2022, Rotterdam, The Netherlands.


78. D Burchielli, N Lotti, F Missiroli, C Bokranz, A Pedrocchi, E Ambrosini, L Masia. "Adaptive Hybrid FES-Force Controller for Arm Exosuit".  IEEE International Conference on Robotic Rehabilitation 2022 (ICORR), 25-29 July 2022, Rotterdam, The Netherlands.


77. Missiroli F. Lotti N, Tricomi E, Bokranz C, Alicea R, Xiloyannis M, Krzywinski J, Crea S, Vitiello N and Masia L, "Rigid, Soft, Passive, and Active: a Hybrid Occupational Exoskeleton for bimanual multijoint assistance”. 

IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L) with ICRA 2022. (accepted for publication) PDF


76. Sierotowicz M, Lotti N, Nell L, Missiroli F, Alicea R, Xiloyannis M, Rupp R, Papp E, Krzywinski J, Castellini C and Masia L.

EMG-driven Machine Learning Control of a Soft Glove for Grasping Assistance and Rehabilitation”.

IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L) with ICRA 2022. (accepted for publication).


75. Tricomi E, Lotti N, Missiroli F, Zhang X, Xiloyannis M, Müller T, Crea S, Papp E, Krzywinski J, Vitiello N, Masia L.

"Underactuated Soft Hip Exosuit Based on Adaptive Oscillators to Assist Human Locomotion" Accepted for publication in the IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L).

74. Lotti N, Xiloyannis M, Missiroli F, Chiaradia D, Frisoli A, Sanguineti V and Masia L. "Intention-Detection Strategies for Upper Limb Exosuits: Model-Based Myoelectric vs Dynamic-Based Control" IEEE International Conference on Biorobotics and Biomechatronics (BIOROB) 2020, New York, 29th Nov - 1st Dec 2020 (BEST PRESENTATION AWARD).

73. Valeria Falzarano V, Petrella G, Marini F, Holmes M, Masia L, Morasso PM, Zenzeri J. "Preliminary Evaluation of a Robotic Measurement System for the Assessment of Wrist Joint Spasticity". IEEE International Conference on Biorobotics and Biomechatronics (BIOROB) 2020, New York, 29th Nov - 1st Dec 2020.

72. Lotti N, Missiroli F, Xiloyannis M and Masia L. “A Model-based control strategy for upper limb Exosuits”. The International Symposium on Wearable Robotics (WeRob2020) and WearRAcon Europe, 13-16 October 2020, Spain

71. Luca Tiseni , Michele Xiloyannis , Domenico Chiaradia, Nicola Lotti , Massimiliano Solazzi , Herman van der Kooij , Antonio Frisoli and Lorenzo Masia, “On the edge between soft and rigid: an assistive shoulder exoskeleton with hyper-redundant kinematics”, International Conference on Rehabilitation Robotics (ICORR), Toronto, Canada, 2019.

70. Kieran Little , Chris W. Antuvan, Michele Xiloyannis , Bernardo A.P.S. de Noronha , Yongtae G. Kim , Lorenzo Masia and Dino Accoto, “IMU-based assistance modulation in upper limb soft wearable exosuits”, International Conference on Rehabilitation Robotics (ICORR), Toronto, Canada, 2019.

69. Michele Xiloyannis, Domenico Chiaradia, Antonio Frisoli and Lorenzo Masia, “Characterisation of pressure distribution at the interface of a soft exosuit: towards a more comfortable wear”, International Symposium on Wearable Robotics (WeRob), Pisa, Italy, 2018.

68. Michele Xiloyannis, Letizia Galli, Domenico Chiaradia, Antonio Frisoli Francesco Braghin and Lorenzo Masia, “A Soft Tendon-Driven Robotic Glove: Preliminary Evaluation”, International Conference on Neurorehabilitatiton (ICNR), Pisa, Italy, 2018.

67. Domenico Chiaradia, Michele Xiloyannis, Massimiliano Sollazzi , Lorenzo Masia and Antonio Frisoli, “Comparison of a Soft Exosuit and a Rigid Exoskeleton in an Assistive Task”, International Symposium on Wearable Robotics (WeRob), Pisa, Italy, 2018.

66. Domenico Chiaradia, Michele Xiloyannis, Chris W. Antuvan, Antonio Frisoli, Lorenzo M, "Design and Embedded Control of a Soft Elbow Exosuit", IEEE International Conference on Soft Robotics (RoboSoft), Livorno, Italy, 2018.

65. Basteris A, Contu S, Plunkett TK, Kuah CWK, Konczak J, Chua KSG, Masia L. "Robot-Aided Bimanual Assessment of Wrist Proprioception in People with Acute Stroke",  IEEE International Conference on  Biomedical Robotics and Biomechatronics BIOROB 2018, 26-29 August 2018, Enschede, The Netherlands.


64. Yongtae Giovanni Kim YG, Xiloyannis  M,  Accoto D, Masia L. " Development of a Soft Exosuit for Industrial Applications ". IEEE International Conference on  Biomedical Robotics and Biomechatronics BIOROB 2018, 26-29 August 2018, Enschede, The Netherlands.


63. Contu S, Basteris A, Plunkett TK, Kuah CWK, Chua KSG, Campolo D, Masia L. " Wrist Proprioception in Acute and Subacute Stroke: A Robotic Protocol for Highly Impaired Patients".  IEEE International Conference on  Biomedical Robotics and Biomechatronics BIOROB 2018, 26-29 August 2018, Enschede, The Netherlands.

62. Chiaradia D, Xiloyannis M, Antuvan CW, Frisoli A and Masia L. "Design and Embedded Control of a Soft Elbow Exosuit" 2018 IEEE International Conference on Soft Robotics (RoboSoft), 24-28 April 2018, Livorno, Italy.

61. Xiloyannis M, Chiaradia D, Frisoli A and Masia M. 'Characterisation of a Soft Exosuit for Assistance of the Elbow Joint'. International Symposium on Wearable & Rehabilitation Robotics (WeRob 2018),5-8 November 2017, Houston, TX USA.

60. Marini F, Hughes C, Morasso PG, Masia L.. 'The effects of age and amplitude on wrist proprioceptive acuity'

IEEE International Conference on Robotic Rehabilitation 2017, July 17-20, London, UK.

59. Marini F, Contu S, Morasso PG, Masia L, Zenzeri J. 'Codification mechanisms of wrist position sense'

IEEE International Conference on Robotic Rehabilitation 2017, July 17-20, London, UK.

58. Contu S, Marini F, Masia L. 'Robotic assessment of the contribution of motor commands to wrist position sense'. IEEE International Conference on Robotic Rehabilitation 2017, July 17-20, London, UK.

57. Canesi M, Xiloyannis M, Ajoudani A, Bicchi A, Masia L. 'Modular One-to-many Clutchable Actuator for a Soft Elbow Exosuit'. IEEE International Conference on Robotic Rehabilitation 20152017, July 17-20, London, UK.

56. Hussain A, Budhota A, Contu S, Kager S, Vishwanath DA, Wee Keong Kuah C,  Yam LHM, Chua KSG, Masia L, Campolo D. 'Quantitative assessment of motor functions post-stroke: Responsiveness of upper-extremity robotic measures and its task dependence'. IEEE International Conference on Robotic Rehabilitation 2017, July 17-20, London, UK.

55. Antuvan CW, Masia L. 'Position and Stiffness Modulation of a Wrist Haptic device using Myoelectric Interface'

IEEE International Conference on Robotic Rehabilitation 2017, July 17-20, London, UK.

54.  Binh Khanh Dinh, Michele Xiloyannis, Chris Wilson Antuvan, Leonardo Cappello, and Lorenzo Masia. ’Hierarchical Cascade Controller for Assistance Modulation in a Soft WearableArm Exoskeleton’. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation ICRA 2017, Singapore 29th May-03rd June 2017 (finalist for best paper award at ICRA2017)

53.    Binh Khanh Dinh, Cappello L, Xiloyannis M, and Masia L. 'Position Control using Adaptive Backlash Compensation for Bowden Cable Transmission in Soft Wearable Exoskeleton'. IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems IROS 2016, Daejeon, South Korea 9th-14th October 2016 (IEEE RAS STUDENT TRAVEL GRANT)

52.    Binh Khanh Dinh, Cappello L, and Masia L. 'Localized Extreme Learning Machine for Online Inverse Dynamic Model Estimation in Soft Wearable Exoskeleton'. IEEE International Conference on  Biomedical Robotics and Biomechatronics BIOROB 2016, Singapore 26th-29th June 2016.

51.    Contu S, Hussain A, Masia L and Campolo C. "A preliminary study for quantitative assessment of upper limb proprioception" . 38th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC 2015), Orlando, FL USA, August 16-20, 2016.

50.    Contu S, Marini F, Cappello L and Masia L. "Robot-assisted assessment of wrist proprioception: Does wrist proprioceptive acuity follow Weber's law?" 38th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC 2015), Orlando, FL USA, August 16-20, 2016.

49.    Antuvan, C.W., Yen, S.C. and Masia, L., 2016, June. 'Simultaneous classification of hand and wrist motions using myoelectric interface: Beyond subject specificity'. In 2016 6th IEEE International Conference on Biomedical Robotics and Biomechatronics (BioRob) 26-26 June, Singapore.

48.    Marini F, Contu S, Hughes CML, Morasso P and Masia L. "Robotic assessment of manual asymmetries in unimanual and bimanual wrist joint position sense". In 2016 6th IEEE International Conference on Biomedical Robotics and Biomechatronics (BioRob), 26-26 June, Singapore.

47.    M. Xiloyannis, L. Cappello, Dinh Binh Khanh, Shih-Cheng Yen and L. Masia, "Modelling and design of a synergy-based actuator for a tendon-driven soft robotic glove" 2016 6th IEEE International Conference on Biomedical Robotics and Biomechatronics (BioRob), Singapore, 2016, pp. 1213-1219. (IEEE BEST STUDENT PAPER AWARD)

46.    Leonardo Cappello, Khanh Dinh Binh and Lorenzo Masia. 'Design of SARCOMEX: a Soft ARm COMpliant Exoskeleton'. In 2016 6th IEEE International Conference on Biomedical Robotics and Biomechatronics (BioRob) 26-26 June, Singapore.

45.    Leonardo Cappello, Sara Contu, Naveen Elangovan, Sanaz Khosravani, Juergen Konczak and Lorenzo Masia. 'Evaluation of wrist joint proprioception by means of a robotic device'. 11th International Conference on Ubiquitous Robots and Ambient Intelligence (URAI 2014) November 12~15, 2014 / Double Tree Hotel by Hilton, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.  

44.    S. El-Khoury, I. Batzianoulis, C. W. Antuvan, S. Contu, L. Masia, S. Micera and A. Billard. 'EMG-based learning approach for estimating wrist motion'. 37th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC 2015) Milan, Italy, August 25-29 2015.

43.    Sara Contu, Leonardo Cappello, Juergen Konczak and Lorenzo Masia. "Preliminary analysis of non-dominant proprioceptive acuity and interlimb asymmetry in the human wrist"  37th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC 2015) Milan, Italy, August 25-29 2015.

42.    Leonardo Cappello, Sara Contu, Juergen Konczak and Lorenzo Masia. "Wrist proprioceptive acuity: a comprehensive robot-aided assessment"  37th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC 2015) Milan, Italy, August 25-29 2015.

41.    Francesca Marini, Valentina Squeri, Assunta Riva, Leonardo Cappello, Luca Doglio, Pietro Giovanni Morasso, Lorenzo Masia  "Adaptive Wrist Robot Training in Pediatric Rehabilitation". IEEE International Conference on Robotic Rehabilitation 2015, 11-14 August 2015, Singapore

40.    Sara Contu, Charmayne Hughes, Lorenzo Masia. "Influence of Visual Information on Bimanual Haptic Manipulation". IEEE International Conference on Robotic Rehabilitation 2015, 11-14 August 2015, Singapore

39.    Binh Khanh Dinh, Leonardo Cappello, Lorenzo Masia. "Control Implementation of Compliant Composite Material Actuators for Wearable Robotic Exoskeletons"  IEEE International Conference on Robotic Rehabilitation 2015, 11-14 August 2015, Singapore.

38.    Leonardo Cappello, Alberto Pirrera, Paul Weaver, Lorenzo Masia. "A Series Elastic Composite Actuator for Soft Arm Exosuits: Design and Preliminary Test".IEEE International Conference on Robotic Rehabilitation 2015, 11-14 August 2015, Singapore. (IEEE BEST STUDENT PAPER AWARD)

37.    Chris Wilson Antuvan, Federica Bisio, Erik Cambria, Lorenzo Masia. "Discrete Classification of Upper Limb Motions Using Myoelectric Interface"  IEEE International Conference on Robotic Rehabilitation 2015, 11-14 August 2015, Singapore

36.    Leonardo Cappello, Sara Contu, Naveen Elangovan, Sanaz Khosravani, Juergen Konczak, Lorenzo Masia. "Evaluation of wrist joint proprioception by means of a robotic device". International Conference on Ubiquitous Robots and Ambient Intelligence (URAI) Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Nov. 12~15, 2014: 531-534.

35.    De Santis D, Zenzeri J, Masia L, Squeri V, and Morasso P. "Human-human physical interaction in the joint control of an underactuated virtual object". IEEE BioRob 2014 IEEE International Conference on Biomedical Robotics and Biomechatronics. August 12-15, 2014, São Paulo, Brazil.

34.    De Santis D,  Zenzeri J, Masia L,  Squeri V, Morasso P. "Exploiting the Link between Action and Perception: Minimally Assisted Robotic Training of the Kinesthetic Sense". IEEE BioRob 2014 IEEE International Conference on Biomedical Robotics and Biomechatronics. August 12-15, 2014, São Paulo, Brazil.

33.    Cappello L, Lachenal L, Pirrera A, Mattioni F, Weaver P and Masia L. "Design, characterization and stability test of a Multistable Composite Actuator for Exoskeletons" . IEEE BioRob 2014 IEEE International Conference on Biomedical Robotics and Biomechatronics. August 12-15, 2014, São Paulo, Brazil.

32.    Tommasino P, Masia L, Gamage K, AzharM, HughesC and Campolo D. “H-Man: a Novel, Portable, Inexpensive Planar Robot for Arm Rehabilitation”. IEEE BioRob 2014 IEEE International Conference on Biomedical Robotics and Biomechatronics. August 12-15, 2014, São Paulo, Brazil.

31.    Marini F, Cappello L, Squeri V, Morasso P, Moretti P, Riva A, Doglio L and Masia L. “Online Modulation of Assistance in Robot Aided Wrist Rehabilitation: A Pilot Study on a Subject Affected by Dystonia”. IEEE Haptics Symposium, February 23-26, 2014 Houston, Texas.

30.    Masia L., Lachenal X., Pirrera A., Cappello L., Mattioni F., Morasso P. and Waver P. “CARAPACE: a novel Composite Advanced Robotic Actuator Powering Assistive Compliant Exoskeleton: Preliminary Design” , IEEE International Conference on Robotic Rehabilitation 2013, Seattle, USA, June 24-26, 2013

29.    De Santis D., Zenzeri J., Squeri V., Masia L., Casadio M. and Morasso P. “Pulsed assistance: a new paradigm of robot training“, IEEE International Conference on Robotic Rehabilitation 2013, Seattle, USA, June 24-26, 2013

28.    Patanè L., Sciutti A., Berret B., Squeri V., Masia L., Sandini G. and Nori F. "Modeling Kinematic Forward Model Adaptation by Modular Decomposition". In 2016 6th IEEE International Conference on Biomedical Robotics and Biomechatronics (BioRob) 2012 une 24-27, 2012 Roma, Italy

27.    Masia L., Squeri V., Sandini G. and Morasso P. ‘Measuring end-point stiffness by means of a modular mechatronic system’. IEEE ICRA 2012, St. Paul, MN, USA from May 14-18, 2012

26.    Squeri V., Masia L., Riva A. and Morasso P. ‘A new robotic method to train wrist movements of stroke patients’. 1st European NeuroRehabilitation Congress, October 20-22, 2011 The Kurhaus Meran, Merano, Italy.

25.    Masia L., Sandini G. and Morasso P. ‘Preliminary design of a novel system for estimating end-point stiffness’. IEEE EMBC, 30th August - 3rd September 2011, Boston, MA, USA.

24.    Squeri V., Masia L., Taverna L. and Morasso P. ‘Improving the ROM of Wrist Movements in Stroke Patients by means of a Haptic Wrist Robot’. IEEE EMBC, 30th August - 3rd September 2011, Boston, MA, USA.

23.    Masia L., Sandini G. and Morasso P. ‘A novel mechatronic system for measuring end-point stiffness: Mechanical design and preliminary tests’.  IEEE International Conference on Robotic Rehabilitation (ICORR), June 29-July 1th 2011, Zurich, Switzerland. (IEEE BEST PAPER AWARD)

22.    Masia L., Morasso P. and Mortola F. ‘Balancing an unstable load with prono-supination movements of the wrist: feasibility study with a wrist robot.’, ISEK 2010 (The XVIII Congress of the International Society of Electrophysiology and Kinesiology), ISEK, Aalborg, Denmark, June 16-19, 2010.

21.    Masia L., Cappa P., Morasso P., Frascarelli F., Di Rosa G., Petrarca M. and Castelli E. ‘Reduced force field adaptation in children affected by cerebral palsy’, ISEK 2010 (The XVIII Congress of the International Society of Electrophysiology and Kinesiology), ISEK, Aalborg, Denmark, June 16-19.

20.    Masia L., Squeri V., Saha D., Burdet E., Sandini G. & Morasso P. ‘Stabilizing unstable object by means of kinematic redundancy.’ 32st Annual International IEEE EMBS Conference (Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society), IEEE, Buenos Aires, Argentina, August 31, September 4, 2010.

19.    Masia L., Frascarelli F., Morasso P., Di Rosa G., Petrarca M., Castelli E. and Cappa P. "Abnormal adaptation in children affected by cerebral palsy to robot generated dynamic environment". 32st Annual International IEEE EMBS Conference (Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society), IEEE ., Buenos Aires, Argentina, Aug 31- Sep 4, 2010.

18.    Squeri V., Masia L., Vergaro E., Casadio M., Morasso P.G. and Sanguineti V. "Visuo-Manual Tracking in a Robot-Generated Dynamic Environment", in 11th International Conference on Rehabilitation Robotics, IEEE ICORR, Kyoto, Japan, June 23-26, 2009.

17.    Morasso P., Casadio M., Giannoni P., Masia L., Sanguineti V., Squeri V. and Vergaro E. "Desirable features of a “humanoid” robot-therapist", in 31st Annual International IEEE EMBS Conference, Minneapolis, USA, September, 2-6, 2009.

16.    Melendez-Calderon A., Masia L., Casadio M. and Burdet E. ‘Force field compensation can be learned without proprioceptive error’, in WC2009, World Congress of Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, Spt 7-12,2009, Munich, Germany.

15.    Masia L., Squeri V., Casadio M., Morasso P., Sanguineti V. and Sandini G. 2009, ‘Tracking target motion under combined visual and kinesthetic disturbances’, in 11th International Conference on Rehabilitation Robotics, IEEE ICORR, Kyoto, Japan, June 23-26, 2009.

14.    Masia L., Squeri V., Casadio M., Morasso P., Sanguineti V. and Sandini G. ‘Visuo-motor tracking with coordinated wrist movements under different combinations of visual and kinesthetic disturbances’, in IEEE HSI Human System Interaction, Catania, Italy, May 21-23, 2009.

13.    Masia L., Casadio M., Nava N., Morasso P. and Sandini G. ‘Adaptive training strategy of distal movements by means of a wrist-robot’, in Second International Conferences on Advances in Computer-Human Interactions, ACHI 2009 February 1-7, 2009 - Cancun, Mexico.

12.    Frascarelli F., Masia L., Di Rosa G., Cappa P., Petrarca M. and Castelli E. ‘Correlation between robot-mediated and clinical scales following botulin toxin intervention in children with upper limb hemiparesis’. 5th World Congress On Neurorehabilitation (Wfnr). 24-27 September 2008, Brasilia, Brazil.

11.    Masia L., Casadio M., Morasso P., Pozzo T. and Sandini G. ’Using a wrist robot for evaluating how human operators learn to perform pointing movements to a rotating frame of reference’. EEE International Conference on  Biomedical Robotics and Biomechatronics BIOROB October 19-22 2008, Scottsdale, Arizona, US.

10.    Casadio M., Squeri V., Masia L., Morasso P., Sanguineti V. and Sandini G. ‘Characterizing ‘direct’ bi-manual coordination while adapting to a dynamic environment’.IEEE International Conference on  Biomedical Robotics and Biomechatronics BIOROB October 19-22 2008, Scottsdale, Arizona, US.

9.    Di Rosa, G  Frascarelli, F  Petrarca, M  Masia, L  Cappa, P  Castelli, E. "Approaching robotic rehabilitation in post-stroke hemiplegic children: three case reports", Journal Of Neurology  Volume: 254  Pages: 66-66  Supplement: 3  Published: MAY 2007

8.    Castelli, E, Frascarelli, F, Masia, L, Di Rosa, G, Petrarca, M, Cappa, P. "Robotic rehabilitation of upper limbs in children". Journal Of Head Trauma". Volume: 23, Issue: 5 , Pages: 341-341.

7.    Masia, L., Casadio, M., Morasso, P. & Sandini, G. (2008) "Preliminary investigation on how humans perform a video controlled pointing task under visual and kinesthetic combined disturbances", International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems IROS 2008 September 26, Nice, France, IROS 2008.

6.    Di Rosa G., Frascarelli  F., Petrarca M.,  Masia L.,  Cappa P and Castelli E. ‘Approaching robotic rehabilitation in post-stroke hemiplegic children: three  case reports’ 17th Meeting Of The European Neurological Society , Rodi (Greece) 16-20 june 2007

5.    Masia L., Krebs H.I., Cappa P., Hogan N. ‘Design, characterization and impedance limits of a hand robot’, IEEE ICORR 2007, International Conference on Rehabilitation Robotics, 13-15 June, Noordvijk, Netherlands.

4.    Petrarca M., Masia L., Cappa P., Di Rosa G., Castelli E. ‘Approaching robotic rehabilitation in children with cerebral palsy: a single case study’ gcmas x/esmac gait and clinical movement analysis society annual meeting, 25-30 September 2006 Amsterdam, Netherlands.

3.    Masia L., Silvestri S., Cappa P. ‘An automatic low-volume peritoneal dialysis for infant and child patients’. IASTED International Conference Of Biomedical Engineering. , Insbruck, Swiss, Febbruary 2004. (pp. 569-571).

2.    Masia L., Cappa P., Patane F., Pierro M.M. ‘Experimental evaluation of the sensitivity matrix of low cost tri-axial accelerometers’. ASMEE ICEM12 International Conference On Experimental Mechanics, September 2004, Bari, Italy.

1.    Masia L., Cappa P., Silvestri S. ‘Experimental study of dissipative effects induced by breathing circuit in assisted ventilation for newborns’. WC2003, World Congress on Medical Physics And Biomedical Engineering, 24-29 August 2003, Sidney, Australia.




Masia L., Casadio M., Morasso P., Pozzo T. and Sandini G. ’Integrating proprioception and vision during pointing movements to a rotating frame of reference’.

Casadio M., Masia L., Squeri V., Sanguineti V., Morasso P. and Sandini G. ‘Force field adaptation in bi-manual coordinated reaching movements’.

Konczak J., Squeri V., Sciutti A., Gori M. & Masia L. ‘Predicted sensory feedback derived from motor commands does not improve haptic sensitivity’, 2009

Squeri V., Masia L., Vergaro E., Casadio M. and Morasso P. 2009, ‘Intermittent control in a visuo-haptic tracking task’,

Sciutti A., Squeri V., Avanzino L., Gori M., Masia L., Abbruzzese G., Sandini G. and Konczak J. ‘Active and passive haptic sensitivity in Parkinson's disease’,

Squeri V., Sciutti A., Gori M., Masia L. Sandini G. and Konczack J. ‘Two hands, one perception: how bimanual haptic information is combined by the brain’,

Adaptive, robot assisted training for wrist motion recovery in a young sub-acute stroke subject, F. Marini, V.Squeri, L.Doglio, P. Moretti, P. Morasso, L. Masia, Monte Verità CSF Conference "Hand, Brain and Technology", 7-12 Settembre 2014


Robotic assessment of wrist position sense in a 3d workspace, F. Marini, V. Squeri, P.  Morasso, L. Masia, 45th annual meeting of Society for Neuroscience, October 17-21 2015, Chicago, IL USA.

Naveen Elangovan, Leonardo Cappello, Sara Contu, Sanaz Khosravani, Juergen Konczak and Lorenzo Masia. 'Assessing proprioceptive acuity of wrist joint using a haptic robotic device Neuroscience 2014 – Society For Neuroscience Annual Meeting* October 17-21 2015, Chicago, IL USA

Carmen Krewer, Naveen Elangovan, Joshua E. Aman, Leonardo Cappello, Sara Contu, Sanaz Khosravani, Lorenzo Masia and Jürgen Konczak. Does Age Change Proprioceptive Acuity of the Wrist Joint? 18th Biannual International Conference On Perception & Action 2015 July 14-18, 2015 in Minneapolis, MN USA




Cappa P., Patane F., Masia L. (2005).


Italian Patent :Year of warehouse: 2005
Warehouse demand: IT2005RM00655 20051229
Code patent: IT2005RM00655

Masia L., Krebs H.I. (2005).


US Patent

Application number: 11/539,091
Publication number: US 2007/0138886 A1
Filing date: Oct 5, 2006, U.S. Classification 310112000; 07402200R

International Patent

International Application No.: PCT/US2006/060004 (International Filing Date: 16.10.2006)

Pub. No.: WO/2007/053795 (Publication Date: 10.05.2007)

Masia L., Sandini G.


Filing Date 03.06.2011, Application number  TO2011A000482, (Patent Pending)

Masia L, Sandini G, Cappello L. (2015)


           NTU Ref: TD/186/15. PCT Application No.: PCT/SG2016/050383    International Filing Date: 11          August 2016

Masia L, Sandini G, Konczak J, Cappello L. (2014)


US Serial No. 62/136,065

DBC Ref:  U639.109.101

UofM Ref:  20150015

NTU Ref: PAT/328/14/15/USPRV

Technology Disclosure at NTU

  1. T. L. Nguyen, S. J. Allen, S. J. Phee, “Robotic Running Foot for Footwear Testing”, NTU Technology Disclosure, TD/072/16, Singapore, 18/4/2016.

  2. L. Masia, J. Collins, T. L. Nguyen, A. Bert, “Human Leg Simulator for Biomechanical Footwear Testing”, NTU Technology Disclosure, TD/246/17, Singapore, 22/09/2017.

  3. T. L. Nguyen, J. Collins, L. Masia, S. J. Phee, A. Bert, K. F. Leong, S. J. Allen, “Robotic Running Foot-Leg System and a Method of Use: Footwear Testing”, NTU Technology Disclosure, TD/247/17, Singapore, 22/09/2017.

  4. T. L. Nguyen, A. Bert, L. Masia, S. J. Phee, K. F. Leong, J. Collins, “Control and Software Architecture in Footwear Testing for the Robotic Running Foot-Leg System (RRFLS)”, NTU Technology Disclosure, TD/291/17, Singapore, 30/10/2017.

NATIONAL CONFERENCES                                                

Masia L., Cappa P., Sciuto S. and Silvestri S. ‘Ottimizzazione di un sistema automatico per la dialisi peritoneale neonatale’. Biomat, Messina, Italy, September 2005.

Petrarca M., Masia L., Cappa P., Di Rosa G. and Castelli E. “Recovering pediatric cerebral palsy by robotic assisted rehabilitation approach: research protocol”

Di Rosa G., Frascarelli F., Petrarca M., Masia L., Cappa P. and Castelli E.‘Riabilitazione robot-assistita dell’arto superiore in bambini con danno cerebrale acquisito’,

Masia L. and Cappa P. ‘Caratterizzazione sperimentale di un sistema robotico modulare per la riabilitazione del grasping’ , , Folgaria (TN), 10-12 Settembre 2007.

Masia L., Casadio M., Morasso P. and Sandini G. ‘ Design of a wrist robot for motor control study and rehabilitation: preliminary results’. , 3-5 July 2008, Pisa, Italy

Casadio M., Masia L., Squeri V., Morasso P., Sanguineti V. and Sandini G. ‘Motor learning during bimanual reaching in a same workspace’. , 3-5 July 2008, Pisa, Italy

Petrarca M., Frascarelli F., Di Rosa G., Masia L., Cappa P. and Castelli E. ‘Modification of joint stiffness of the elbow after botulinum toxin injection: robot-mediated evaluation’.

Masia L., Squeri V., Sandini G. and Morasso P. ‘Eye-hand coordination during dynamic visuomotor rotations’, in , Alghero, Italy, October 1-3, 2009.

Masia L., Squeri V., Avanzino L., Sciutti A., Gori M., Abbruzzese G., Sandini G. and Konczak J. ‘Use of a robotic manipulandum to assess of haptic sensitivity in Parkinson's disease’, in , Genoa, Italy, December 14-15, 2009.

Sciutti A., Squeri V., Gori M., Masia L., Sandini G. and Konczak J. ‘The role of predicted sensory feedback derived from motor commands for haptic sensitivity’, in , Genoa, Italy, December 14-15, 2009.

Squeri V., Sciutti A., Gori M., Masia L., Sandini G. and Konczak J. ‘Haptic perception of object contours: are two hands better than one?’ in , Genoa, Italy, December 14-15, 2009.

Rehabilitation robotics: preliminary results after treatment with a exoskeleton for wrist motion recov-ry, L. Cappello, F. Marini, V. Squeri, A. Riva, L. Doglio, P. Moretti, P. Morasso, L. Masia. XXXIX Congresso Nazionale Societa’ Italiana di Neurologia Pediatrica (SINP), Genova, November 21-23 2013

Robot-aided wrist rehabilitation in a young sub-acute stroke subject by means of an adaptive training F. Marini, V. Squeri, A. Cuppone , A. Riva, P. Giannoni, L. Doglio, P. Moretti, P. Morasso, L. Masia. XIV Congresso nazionale della Societa Italiana di Riabilitazione Neurologica (S.I.R.N.), Genova, May 8-10, 2014

Adaptive assistance in Robotic Wrist Rehabilitation for a Subject Affected by Dystonia F. Marini, L. Cappello, V. Squeri, A. Riva, P. Morasso, L. Masia. IV Congresso del Gruppo Nazionale di Bioingegneria, Pavia, June 25-27, 201

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